Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Over the last couple of days I've been in a "discussion" about the Conservatives attacking Justin Trudeau for a comment he made regarding the deeply serious situation in the Ukraine. The discussion group has a policy of no "opposition bashing", because it is a group dedicated to finding ways to unseat Stephen Harper. That's why I was there, in fact - because to me Stephen Harper is the most frightening PM we have had in many years - he is a dictator. I've lived under a dictator once before in my lifetime.

I commented on that "discussion" that I thought Justin showed a lack of judgment in his remark. So, before we go further, here's the remark in its entirety:

"President Yanukovych has been made illegitimate. It's very worrying, especially because Russia lost in hockey, they'll be in a bad mood. We fear Russia's involvement in Ukraine," Trudeau said.

"Just because of hockey?" asked Guy Lepage, the show's host.

"No. That's trying to bring a light view in a situation that's extremely serious," Trudeau said.

Now, in the context of talking about a devastating situation in which many people were killed, he joked about the Russians being in a bad mood after the hockey, and then comments that he is trying to bring a light view in a serious situation. My opinion? He showed a distinct lack of judgment in that remark - an opinion held by some of his fellow Liberals - and *of course* the Conservatives are going to jump on that - he handed it to them on a platter. Someone who aspires to be the Prime Minister of the country needs to demonstrate a bit more wisdom and judgment, in my opinion.

So here's the thing which makes me smile - I was told that suggesting Trudeau made a stupid remark - and I believe it was - was "opposition bashing". Hmmm - seems to me that as soon as we are expected to be un-critical of the opposition, we're being told we have to think alike - a kind of "if you aren't with us you're against us" mentality. IF we are "rallying to unseat Harper" then we also have to able to say that we think the opposition may have made an error. Well, I've left that discussion, because clearly it wasn't a discussion, it was an expectation that we will all see everything the same way.

So here's my question: what's the difference between an honest exchange of opinions, and "bashing"?

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